
在蘇利颱風要逼近的夜晚我看了華麗的“大亨小傳”,老實說我不太欣賞這故事。這只是一個Gatsby的好友緬懷他的故事,作家以個人的角度撰寫感動他的偉大愛情故事,至於外人是否認同就因人而異了。作者透過他的解讀,將原書名Gatsby 前面加上了the Great以表達他的感動和對好友的恭維。我個人則是認為中文名字“大亨小傳”較客觀反而比較適合。同樣是不倫戀,我想到了“溫莎公爵的情人”,由瑪丹娜執導,敘述英國愛德華八世當情夫為愛人捨棄皇位的故事,過程中他們彼此都為了自己錯誤付上代價,成了史上最大的婚外情醜聞,但我卻真的被他們認定對方,廝守到老的真愛而打動。




When Suli Typhoon is coming I am watching a fancy film, “The Great Gatsby”. Indeed this story is not good enough for me, it’s just Gatesby’s friend, the author, wanna commemorate Gatsby so he wrote Gatsby’s biography from his view. He supposed that it’s a great love story, and that’s why he called the book “the Great Gatsby” in order to express his appreciation. However, I prefer Chinese name of the film is more objective and suitable. On the contrary, I appreciated the movie ”W/E” more, the love story of Edward VIII of UK. I was touched that they paid for their immoral mistakes, and become the most famous scandal in history of the world, but they still loved each other and got together till the end of their life.

In my opinion, Gatsby is not confident enough and develop arrogance. With less confidence, he thought that only he become rich, he can get along with his lover, whereas, he missed the chance to get along with her because he left her for getting wealth,without notice. Finally, he got it, but everything is too late. She had gotten marry . The worst part is that he was rather become a lover of other’s wife, which is really shame for a man who lost self-esteem. On the other side, he was too much confident that he prepared everything for his lover but it didn’t really move her heart. Finally, he start to force her to join his plan, and those series mistakes led him close to death.

Eventually, I am just woken up by one thing that if we chase a wrong thing, finally we will find everything is in vain, and life would be empty. While Gatsby was just like a fool, he wasted his talent in his whole life. Sooo meaningless.

雅歌8:7:愛情、眾水不能息滅、大水也不能淹沒.若有人拿家中所有的財寶要換愛情、就全被藐視。 Song of songs8:7:Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.





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